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Since 2009, I have been writing articles about office organization, time management, work/life balance, email management, and productivity. I am passionate about helping people better manage the hours they choose to spend working and enjoy their non-work time as well.
Do Your Coworkers Want to Divorce You?
Productivity is more than a well-managed email inbox and a comprehensive to-do list. Those things are important, but...
Virtual Meeting Mistakes That Cause “Zoom Fatigue”
As a productivity coach who has almost exclusively been Zooming since 2015, I feel defensive when I read or hear someone...
How you can be more productive and fulfilled (Podcast)
In December 2020, I was a guest of podcasters Drs. Shelley and Chad Prevost. Having enjoyed their Facebook Group, Big Self...
Taking Inventory of 2020 with Duct Tape, Henry the VIII, and Forrest Gump
Do you remember the movie Ghost with Patrick Swayze, Whoopi Goldberg, and Demi Moore? Of course, you do. Picture the...
A Complete Guide to Having an Accountability Partner
Maintaining your productivity can feel like a solitary endeavor – just you and your task list or calendar. While...
How do you keep a journal? Just say “ARGH!”
I stink at journaling. Journaling is a productive use of time. It has been shown to: Relieve anxiety and depression...
Managing our Impulses: A Call to Action
In the world of marketing, a Call to Action (CTA) is the part of an advertisement where the viewer/reader/listener is asked...
Are we broken?
This year has been tough. Understatement, right? I won’t waste time listing all the things that have changed or disappeared...
Working from Home…how research informs our current and future world of work
In July 2020, I was invited by Mike O’Neill of Bench Builders, a workforce consulting firm, to speak on a webinar about...
How psychological tests can change your life…and the world
Psychometrics is “the science of measuring mental capacities and processes.” Early in grad school at Virginia Tech, I was a...
When your Core Values Flash Before your Very Eyes
A few weeks ago, my 18-year-old daughter, Maddie, was driving home around midnight. There were train tracks ahead, but the...
Good, Fast, and Cheap…Pick Two
I was in my early 20s when I first heard the truism above in a project management class. The implications of “Good,...