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Since 2009, I have been writing articles about office organization, time management, work/life balance, email management, and productivity. I am passionate about helping people better manage the hours they choose to spend working and enjoy their non-work time as well.
How to flourish in work and life: Be a HERO
Psychological Capital (PsyCap for short) is a framework that organizational psychologists use to predict important outcomes...
What are your Lessons Learned from Quarantine?
I lead seminars at companies and conferences. When not quarantined, that is. I love public speaking and miss it greatly...
When you have all the time in the world but no motivation to do anything…
When I retire, I’m going to take up fly fishing… When the kids are grown and flown, I’ll start that new hobby… When things...
Do You Have a Pandemic Project?
You may have noticed something. I’m blogging more frequently now. For the past several years, I have sent you a...
Are you struggling or thriving with working from home?
When I was doing research for the first edition of my book, Reduce Interruptions…you don’t have to be a victim, working...
The Productive Practice of Gratitude
When work or life feels like it is falling apart, it is challenging for me to stay positive. But staying positive is...
How You Can Be Productive While Social Distancing…and what I’m doing to stay sane
Across the world, we are experiencing a strange and stressful time. Each day, there are new cases of COVID-19, also known...
Is Bravery the Opposite of Procrastination?
In the past two months, I have done some wonderfully brave things. I picked myself up, dusted off my chaps, straightened my...
Are You a Cardboard Cutout at Home?
In recent years, the phrase “work-life balance” is not appearing as often in business articles. Now, we just call it...
10 Tips for Managing your Financial Files
You have heard the expression, “time is money.” For many people, especially those who bill or are paid by the hour, this...
3 Life Lessons that have made my career great…and continue to do so.
In this invited speech to the Hostess City Toastmasters, Dr. Melissa Gratias reflects on what it means to be "mid-career"...
Am I Procrastinating or Just Taking a Break?
I’m jumping right into this topic. If you want more background information on procrastination, read this. Onward…...