In this video, Dr. Melissa Gratias reads an excerpt from her book, Set Goals…even if you’re not convinced you’ll achieve them.
Are your goals balanced across all of your priorities? Listen to Dr. Gratias as she discusses how you are a whole, complex person who deserves balance.
Excerpt from Set Goals…even if you’re not convinced you’ll achieve them:
The beautiful thing about goals is that they focus efforts toward a clear target. The scary thing about goals is that they focus efforts toward a clear target, sometimes to the exclusion of other important, but fuzzier, human needs. If all of your goals are targeted toward career development, your non-work relationships may suffer, and vice versa. If the bulk of your goals focus on financial gain, then volunteerism and pro bono work may fall to the wayside. In order to achieve your goals, there needs to be some balance. Of course, the definition of balance will be different for every person. The purpose of the Crazy Productive eBook series is not to impose a specified value structure to your life but rather to help you achieve balance however you define it.

Are you ready to finally achieve what you set out to do?
Read my eBook Set Goals…even if you’re not convinced you’ll achieve them.