The Wonder And Amazingness Of Outlook Tasks To Manage Your Time SESSION QUICK FACTS: Duration: 1 Hour Target Audience: Professionals Method of Delivery: Virtual and In-Person Did you know you have one of the best task management tools on the planet available to you...
Crazy Productive Tips For Outlook Mail, Calendar, And People SESSION QUICK FACTS: Duration: 1 Hour Target Audience: Professionals Method of Delivery: Virtual and In-Person Do you look at your Outlook window with all its lovely tabs and icons and ask yourself, “What...
How To Get People To Change …even when nobody wants to SESSION QUICK FACTS: Duration: 2 Hours Target Audience: Managers, Professionals Method of Delivery: Virtual and In-Person Are you responsible for change-provoking initiatives in your organization? The hardest part...
Managing Performance Painlessly …feedback doesn’t have to hurt SESSION QUICK FACTS: Duration: 2 Hours Target Audience: Managers Method of Delivery: Virtual and In-Person Performance management is a year-round responsibility of leaders of people. It should not be...
Organized Delegation And Follow-Up …because snoopervising is not the answer SESSION QUICK FACTS: Duration: 2 Hours Target Audience: Managers Method of Delivery: Virtual and In-Person Micromanagement is often the result of a lack functional tools to track and follow-up...