The Path Of Extraordinary Motivation: How to develop ourselves and others into better humans SESSION QUICK FACTS: Duration: 3 Hours Target Audience: Managers Method of Delivery: Virtual and In-Person Motivation is not a personality trait or a gift from the universe...
Leadership 101: The who, what, when, where, and why of leader development and derailment SESSION QUICK FACTS: Duration: 2 Hours Target Audience: Managers Method of Delivery: Virtual and In-Person So, you want to be a leader? Going from a task expert to a leader of...
Collaborate Electronically …without creating a digital junkyard SESSION QUICK FACTS: Duration: 2 Hours Target Audience: Professionals Method of Delivery: Virtual and In-Person Documents, PDFs, spreadsheets, and images typically live on shared network drives or on...
Conquer Your Email Today …for there is no tomorrow SESSION QUICK FACTS: Duration: 2 Hours Target Audience: Professionals Method of Delivery: Virtual and In-Person Are you buried in email? If your inbox overflows and your folders make your eyes spin, you need to get...
Know What You Need To Keep …because you might NOT need it someday SESSION QUICK FACTS: Duration: 2 Hours Target Audience: Professionals Method of Delivery: Virtual and In-Person You may think you are “playing it safe” by retaining thousands of emails and electronic...