Unwrapping Perfectionism Online Course
Private: Unwrapping Perfectionism Course
Are you
…plagued by a desire to look, feel, and be perfect,
…while knowing that perfection is impossible,
…and drowning in guilt when a child you love mimics your perfectionism?
It’s time to team up with the children in your life and have some fun unwrapping the “gifts” of perfectionism.
Feel empowered to manage your inner perfectionist!
In this adult-child team approach to development, you will…
Gain insight into the foundations of your perfectionism.
Become fluent in a new language of "being enough."
Learn the impacts of perfectionism through poetry and stories.
Deepen your relationship with a child you love.
Develop fun ways to hold each other accountable.
Make memories through music, games, and art.
Who’s this course for?
Busy moms and their daughters
Loving aunties and their nieces
Dedicated mentors and their mentees
Course Overview
This course is filled with:
Poetry and Stories
Two beautiful and touching videos – one for the adult and the other for the adult/child team – to help open up the conversations about the foundations and impacts of perfectionism.
Journal Prompts
Seven gorgeously illustrated printable journal prompts you can download as fillable PDFs. The journal prompts help the adult get in touch with their inner child and perfectionist.
Fun Activities!
Ten creative and wacky activities to help the adult/child team tackle perfectionism together.
Suggested books, blog posts, articles, videos, and resources to continue on the journal to unwrap perfectionism.
Meet Your Guide
My name is Melissa Gratias, and I am a perfectionist. I graduated college with honors, earned masters and doctoral degrees, and married a wonderful man. When I became a mother in my late 20s, my need to do everything perfectly blew up like Mentos dropped into a bottle of Diet Coke. All of a sudden, I had a child that I loved with all my soul. I wanted to be the perfect mom for her.
As she grew (and her brother joined the family), I lay awake ruminating on how I could have said this thing better or done that thing differently. I felt that every mistake was going to mess her up for the rest of her life.
Then, the unthinkable happened. My daughter started to become a perfectionist, too. She overthought homework assignments, missed deadlines, and overcomplicated simple projects in the name of perfection. She suffered, and I blamed myself for providing a poor example of how to live.
This course is something I wish I’d had when my kids were younger! In the course, you will first take time for introspection and self-discovery. Then, you will engage your young learning partner to play games, enjoy poems, and laugh your way to a better life that is happily “good enough.”

Also included when you join:
Inspirational poems and stories made visual through video
Fun and engaging games that make learning together fun!
Immediate and lifetime access to the course
Course certificates for you and the child
Important Additional Notes:
What format is the course in?
The course is accessible through your web browser and best viewed on a desktop or laptop computer. There is an easy-to-use navigation menu on every screen. Videos are embedded in the pages and viewable with a click. PDFs can be downloaded to your computer or laptop.
Do I have access to the full course when purchased?
Absolutely! This is not a “drip style” course. You’ll have full access to go through any section you want, at any time.
Will the course be added on to?
Not likely as the course is already 100% built out and in place but I will make any updates or additions needed to refine or add to the process if need be.
Will the course ever close or expire?
It will be available until it’s either discontinued or revised/updated. In short, it will be up and updated for a very, very long time 😉
Join the course now and start your journey:
• You will stop hating and start thanking your mistakes.
• You will change your self-talk from critical to beautiful.
• You will show compassion to your inner child and model acceptance to your life-sized one.