How to Achieve Your Professional Goals without Setting Yourself Up for Failure and Disappointment
The sad fact is that only 17% of people achieve their goals. The vast majority of folks fall short when they try to do great things.
Here’s the trouble that you face when you don’t do what you say you are going to do. You feel like a failure and are discouraged from reaching for the stars ever again.
If you too have felt the disappointment of declaring a goal and not attaining it, GOOD NEWS! I’d like to introduce you to my eBook Set Goals…even if you’re not convinced you’ll achieve them.

Here’s what you get with Set Goals…even if you’re not convinced you’ll achieve them:
- Pitfalls to avoid…3 common behaviors that will cause you to abandon your goals shortly into the process of achieving them
- Obstacles to anticipate…3 goal-related issues that will become obstacles to your success unless you are cautious and mindful
- Insights to pursue…3 unexpected techniques that maximize the power of goal-setting and lead to the highest levels of achievement
Here’s what resolving your past goal-setting failures means to your professional and personal life:
- You will direct your precious hours toward activities that are important, not just urgent
- You will challenge yourself to achieve greatness without fear of getting overwhelmed
- You will accomplish what you set out to do: educational achievements, financial freedom, improved health, profitable business, and so on…
It means that you stop hiding from your goals and start chasing them with dogged determination.
Now you can be among the 17% of people who attain their goals when you get my eBook Set Goals…even if you’re not convinced you’ll achieve them for only $3.99.
P.S. – I’ve put my very best goal-setting advice in Set Goals…even if you’re not convinced you’ll achieve them. You will finally achieve what you set out to do.
Buy it here
and get a guide to releasing yourself from a backlog of old email.

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Here's what others say about Dr. Melissa’s goal-setting methodology:
It caused me to examine my work habits and set goals to simplify my life. Very convicting, encouraging, and empowering.
I can’t thank you enough for your help. I am delighted to be amazed and looking forward to putting all these new ideas/skills to work. You couldn’t have found anyone who needed you more!
Her approach was very straightforward (and actually quite simple) which increases the likelihood of maintaining the process she laid out.