Mind Map Your Way to Productivity

Many of us set goals to help determine the direction of our lives for the foreseeable future. But here’s my problem: setting goals can be completely and utterly boring…and limiting…and demoralizing…and exhausting…and…I just don’t wanna do it! So that’s my dirty little...

The Discomfort of Setting Goals

It is an annual tradition: the setting and eventual abandonment of New Year’s Resolutions.   Typically, around 12% of people accomplish the goals that they set while sipping champagne and singing Auld Lang Syne.   Why is that? Are 88% of us just a bunch of...

Stop and Say Thanks

Thanksgiving is almost upon us — family, traditions, football rivalries, and often a short (and needed!) break from work.   As we approach a new year, it can be tempting to focus exclusively on what needs to be changed or improved for the future – in short,...

Time Management in Hell’s Kitchen

Chris Smith of Born to Eat Enterprises, LLC is a rock star.  He opened his first franchise restaurant at age 22 while still attending college.  Eight years later, he has seven stores, a high-functioning team, a happy wife, and free time on Sundays. By his own...