Productive Password Management

If you haven’t experienced the misery of having one (or more) of your online accounts infiltrated by hackers, consider yourself lucky.   Unfortunately, my family is not in that lucky group. A few months ago, my husband and I spent an uncounted number of hours...

The Death of Paper?

Is paper all bad?  Absolutely not. Is everyone trying to eliminate paper?  Nope. So, when is it okay to use paper?  Read on…   Despite the predominance of projectors, laptops, iPads, and shared filing systems, there just seems to be no substitute for a stack of...

Why Am I Procrastinating?

Everyone procrastinates from time to time – it’s human nature. We put off writing a report, calling potential clients, or starting what we consider a boring job. Here are a few of the excuses we give: I don’t have enough information. I’ll have more time tomorrow.   I...

How to Create a Powerful To-Do List

You stink at remembering things. Blunt, but true.   In speaking engagements, I often tell participants, “You are fired from the job of remembering stuff.”   Yet, so many people rely on their brains to keep up with the things they need to do.   If you...