To achieve the highest level of performance, research shows that the most effective goals are: (1) specific, (2) challenging, and (3) shared with others.
However, my weight loss odyssey has taught me that there is one element that is sometimes missing from goals – the reason why we want to achieve the goal in the first place.
Knowing WHY = Ongoing Motivation
It is not enough to know what you want to achieve. You must clearly understand why you want to achieve it.
The most successful individuals have a burning desire in their gut to achieve their goals. That desire continues to fuel motivation even in the face of distractions and competing priorities.
Ask yourself the following:
- Why do you want what you want?
- What will happen if you achieve your goal? What will it look and feel like?
- What will happen if you do not achieve your goal?
Recommit Daily to the WHY
Achieving most any goal is painful in the short term. The temptation is always there to abandon the goal in favor of other activities. Goal setting must happen each and every day, not just annually. So, in that spirit, rather than setting New Year’s Resolutions, think about setting goals and committing to them daily. And always, always remember the WHY.
“In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it.” ~ Robert Heinlein, Novelist

Are you ready to finally achieve what you set out to do?
Read my eBook Set Goals…even if you’re not convinced you’ll achieve them.