In this video, Dr. Melissa Gratias reads an excerpt from her book, ‘Reduce Interruptions…you don’t have to be a victim‘.
Can you focus at work, or are there too many interruptions? Listen to Dr. Gratias as she expands on the concept of Flow and why it is so much fun.
Excerpt from ‘Reduce Interruptions…you don’t have to be a victim‘.
Reducing unnecessary interruptions can help us avoid several unpleasant things: frustration with work and colleagues, resumption lags, and lower-quality results. However, what are we working toward? What are we trying to achieve? Focus is the answer. In psychology circles, a state of energized focus is called “flow.” Flow occurs when we are fully involved in a task, overcoming obstacles with ease, and producing results that give us personal satisfaction and contentment. Does this sound too good to be true? Research shows that 20% of people achieve flow every day, while another 15% say that this has never happened to them. Flow is desirable and worth pursuing.

Are you ready to get serious about this workplace productivity thief?
Read my eBook Reduce Interruptions…you don’t have to be a victim.