Thanksgiving is almost upon us — family, traditions, football rivalries, and often a short (and needed!) break from work.
As we approach a new year, it can be tempting to focus exclusively on what needs to be changed or improved for the future – in short, what went wrong that needs to be fixed.
Maybe Thanksgiving is the time to be grateful for how far we’ve come this year and for what went right in our work and lives.
Be Thankful
There’s an organizational development technique called Appreciative Inquiry that operates on the following assumptions: First, in every organization, something works. Second, what we focus on becomes our reality.
In that spirit, ask yourself these questions:
- What went well this year?
- What was my greatest success or achievement?
- What were the results/impacts of these achievements?
Show Thankfulness
It is important to thank the people who have made our endeavors and success possible. Make a list of people who helped you accomplish your goals this year. Show these people how much you appreciate their contributions, ideas, and support.
Some ideas are:
- A holiday card with a personalized note — that special touch goes a long way. I like Send Out Cards.
- Food. Always a winner. Give pralines and you’ll be memorable.
- A donation to a charity. I like the Heifer Project. My daughter once asked for a llama for Christmas. She thought it would live in our back yard. Cue evil laugh…
Accept Thanks
Others may be thankful because you went the extra mile…when you mentored, tutored, worked pro-bono, helped someone get a job, connected two people and served as a reference or resource. When someone tells you thanks, take a moment and absorb the positive energy. Be a gracious recipient of others’ appreciation.

Are you ready to feel balanced and effective at work and in life?
Read my eBook Love Your Calendar…and be monogamous.

I’m thankful for you, Melissa, my dear friend and colleague. Your sense of calm and balance, your wisdom and your kindness — these are just a few of the reasons I esteem you.
Oh Julie! Ten years ago, I came to you for support and advice for my new business, and you’ve generously given it to me ever since. Thank YOU.