In this video, Dr. Melissa Gratias reads an excerpt from her book, Conquer Your Email Today…because there is no tomorrow.
Do you know when to email and when NOT to? Listen to Dr. Gratias as she expands on her concept of setting a culture of appropriate email usage.
Excerpt from Conquer Your Email Today…because there is no tomorrow.
Email is one of many communication tools available in the workplace. Convenience often makes it the default choice, but should you just accept that and deal with it? You do not have to remain a victim of your inbox. You have power over what you receive, and you can reduce the incoming volumes. How? Have honest conversations with your boss, coworkers, and direct reports that specify when to email and, importantly, when not to. Ask each other: What are our expectations for responsiveness? When should we cc: and when should we save information for a future meeting? Under what circumstances should we Reply All (if ever)? Can we all agree to stop thanking each other for every email sent?
In the absence of information to the contrary, human nature is to take the safest-appearing route. From the perspective of one of the humans with whom you work, it may seem safer to cc: or FYI you than risk not keeping you informed. That is why it is so important to talk to people with whom you correspond frequently about email communication needs.

Are you tired of letting email run (ruin?) your day?
Read my eBook Conquer Your Email Today…because there is no tomorrow.