by Melissa Gratias, Ph.D. |
Lately, I feel like all I am saying is “No.” No, Whitney. I don’t need another beer. I’ll just take the check. No, Shanan, I cannot hang out with you by your pool on Friday. No, Julia, I cannot take care of this important legal matter right now. No, Dear Reader, I...
by Melissa Gratias, Ph.D. |
Decades ago, a pioneer in the field of professional organizing (Barbara Hemphill) said, “Clutter is postponed decisions.” When I started my business in 2007, this statement rocked me and still does. Why? Because according to my Myers-Briggs Type, I am...
by Melissa Gratias, Ph.D. |
Life is full of transitions. An unfortunate stereotype of early-career workers is that they are job hoppers. Nearing-retirement workers lament the “loyalty” that they perceive characterized themselves and their forebears. What these same lamenters may not remember is...
by Melissa Gratias, Ph.D. |
I’m not sleeping well. It’s not because terrible things are happening. It’s just things – lots and lots of things – are happening. I won’t bother listing them because that feels an awful lot like complaining or the start of a one-upmanship battle with you. And I know...
by Melissa Gratias, Ph.D. |
I love it when people say nice things about me. Does that make me needy? I don’t care. I shamelessly request testimonials from past clients. I have amassed a collection that I have organized into a spreadsheet. I go there when I’m feeling low. In this post, I am going...
by Melissa Gratias, Ph.D. |
Proverbs, adages, expressions, and sayings have provided moral guidance, inspiration, and cultural consistency for humans for as long as there have been influencers to say them aloud or chisel them on slabs of rock. We morph the wisdom of gurus into memes, books, and...