by Melissa Gratias, Ph.D. |
I enjoy mobile video games. Full stop. I think that this is an important admission to make at the outset of this post because there are productivity experts out there who might call the time that I spend gaming “wasted,” even though it does not interfere...
by Melissa Gratias, Ph.D. |
When I opened my business in 2007, I spent lots of time guiding clients through the process of sorting, purging, and organizing paper files at work. Being overrun with paper was a huge impediment to individual and team productivity. Yet, reducing paper...
by Melissa Gratias, Ph.D. |
We all know that there are some emails that deserve to be ignored. For example, the unsolicited, obviously automated, <<dear first name>> emails. I hypothesize that these <<dear first name>> emails have destroyed our empathy and left us...
by Melissa Gratias, Ph.D. |
Imagine that you and I are at a party. I’m holding my favorite cocktail, a dirty martini. You have your preferred beverage in hand as well. There is a hum of voices and music in the background. To make conversation, I ask, “Would you rather have more money or...
by Melissa Gratias, Ph.D. |
This post is for your ears more than your eyes. I was interviewed by Jon Tromans for his Triple “T” Productivity Podcast I hope you enjoy Jon’s melodious Queen’s English as we discuss the following: Productivity lessons from Jon’s granddaughter who “hasn’t had...
by Melissa Gratias, Ph.D. |
One of the first questions I ask a new productivity coaching client is: How are you currently managing your tasks? Answers vary: I have this notepad…They are in this pile of paper… I have sticky notes… My email inbox is my task list… I mark the items...